USA Premier Sports Coaches Dugout 1000*
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USA Premier Sports Coaches Dugout
Team Document Management
Upload NEW Document for (ID: )


Formats include: PDF (preferred),
File size limit: 5,000 KB
Description or
(Up to 1,000 characters)
Year: (YYYY)
Expires: (MM-DD-YYYY)
Document Type:
Publish: Check to make available for download.

The League Adminstrators for USA Premier Sports will be able to see Team Insurance documents.
Any other type of document is shown to the players on this team's roster via their DOCUMENTS url.
Example documents you may want to upload:
  • Team Liability and Photo Waivers for your organization
  • Team and Player Code of Conduct Agreement
  • Team Handouts and Flyers
You may also paste the DOCUMENT url below into emails
via the Communication Center or other email, published or not.
(Right click over DOWNLOAD or SHOW PDF and select Copy link address)

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